British Council Grant Scholarship for Interested Students!

Students should read the attached pdf document carefully and apply online accordingly.


Do you have a creative idea on the future of the web and how to connect people through digital art? We want to support the best proposals, up to a maximum grant of 40,000 GBP (or equivalent in Indian rupees). 

To mark the 30th anniversary of the web in March 2019, the British Council in India would like to explore our changing concept of connection by supporting digital culture projects inspired by how the web has connected us and exploring what it could do for us in the future. We would like to use the opportunity of this milestone to explore what artists and art of tomorrow look like through digital creativity.

Proposals designed to be inclusive will be prioritised. By this we mean projects which celebrate diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and freedom of expression. At the heart of projects should be artistic experiences that can show collaboration between India and the UK. As the world wide web was created to allow for equal access and for people to connect, learn and have more opportunities. Our open call wishes to honour this motto.

Themes the call seeks to address

Projects can connect broadly to the thematic of the celebration of the creation of the world wide web and address as many of the points below as possible:

  • Have artistic creativity, connection, culture and collaboration at their heart.
  • Connecting people and providing access to information and conversations through artistic digital experiences – i.e. projects might look at what the artist of tomorrow is; crowd sourced experiences; explore themes such as data collection or privacy; changing communication such as social media and how we interact with one another digitally etc. 
  • Explore how we can make the web more inclusive through artistic platforms, looking especially at equal economic access or access to digital connectivity for women and girls for example. 
  • Be intended for an audience primarily in India but with potential to reach beyond.
  • Have demonstrable potential to achieve large digital reach and engagement across the web. 
  • Have a particular emphasis on cross hardware engagement from desktop to smartphone - thus allowing for multiple types of interaction and activity - from accessing the projects in the public space or on the go. 
  • Promote greater social inclusion and cohesion.
  • Respond clearly to the aims and outcomes in the background section below.

In order to be eligible to apply, you must:

  • Be based in India or the UK.
  • Have a track record of developing artistic digital projects or experiences that demonstrate strong impact and have successfully reached new audiences.
  • Demonstrate innovation in previous work whether in technology or in engagement with audiences.
  • Have clear benefit to India – We are looking for projects that focus on audiences in India and can deliver developmental outcomes in India.