Digital Media Technology

New Course


Dear Students,

The College is excited to announce that under the New National Education Policy 2020, greater flexibility and innovation is permitted in Higher Education Institutions.

Therefore, starting with the New Academic Session 2020, College will be Officially Introducing a New Course Module —

1. Digital Media Technology


 This Module will focus on evolving Digital Technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution that will transform key sectors in India by 2025, namely:

 ¤    Urban Transportation             ¤ Tele-Medicine         ¤ Smart Homes

  Case Study - Uber Helicopters       Virtual Linking             Robotics


 Our aim through this course will be to make you understand in depth, the changes taking place in these key sectors of National Importance with sound knowledge, so that by the time you graduate in the future years, you can easily communicate the changes to the public (audience).

We strongly believe that the duty of Media is to first understand the changes underway in the world and then accurately, in a simple manner communicate it to the public.

Thank you.


Ayush Garg

 Associate Director

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