Transition to Online Education System Modules
Dear Students and Parents,
As you are all aware, the world is currently facing the Covid-19 Health Pandemic of serious proportions, due to which All Universities, Colleges and Schools in India have been temporarily closed down by the Govt. of India.
Our First and Foremost Priority is the safety and security of our students, Faculty and the IAAN Community. In this, we are regularly following all the guidelines issued by the relevant authorities to stop the spread of this Disease and following University Orders; all students have vacated the IAAN Campus.
At the same time, we want to ensure that students do not loose out on the Education and Learning they deserve during this health crisis. IAAN has always taken education very seriously and we want our students to get the best opportunities possible.
Therefore, starting tomorrow, the College will be transitioning to an Online Education System Module under which students will be provided with classes, lectures, assignments and practical training in a digital format.
This will enable students to stay at home and yet complete their education and keep up with Assignments.
For this purpose, we are first taking the IAAN Divisions Online!
All students who have given their names for the different Divisions, IAAN TV, IAAN EXPRESS, IAAN RADIO and IAAN PRODUCTION, have been already selected and their names Officially declared on 11.03.2020.
These students will be included in the IAAN Divisions and start their Online Education Module from tomorrow itself. All the details of their work and how they should proceed further will be explained in the respective Division Official WhatsApp Group.
Depending upon the response and participation we get from students to the Online Division Modules, we will start implementing University Classes in a digital format soon.
We have taken all the relevant permissions from the Concerned Authorities over the past few days.
We hope that students will participate in this whole-heartedly and we request Parents to ensure that the students are keeping up with the assignments given to students digitally.
Our Faculty as always are the best in the Industry and will do their part to further the student’s learning.
Thank you.
Dr. Anuj Garg
Managing Director
IAAN School of Mass Communication